Don't understand what's going on
Woke up this morning,
All the hurt was gone
This is a new beginning
I'm back in the land of the living

Saturday, January 08, 2005


2005 is the year when I will:

1. be less afraid of everything

2. finally get my finances more straightened out

3. learn to be more forgiving of others and also to myself.

4. change jobs

5. think about myself first and get want I want and deserve no matter what I have to do, what I have to manipulate, or who gets hurt along the way

6. expose the skeletons in my closet, my heart, my finances, my most intimate secrets, my body and my fears... to someone who really cares, who wants me to do it, and who gives me the importance and credit I deserve

7. try to become a family member with the full benefits, privileges and responsibilities associated to the title...

8. be back in the land of the living and taking charge of my own life...

9. give more to the people who deserve it

10. spend more quality time with the people I love

11. seize my chances

12. expel harmful selfish people from my life

13. not sweat the petty stuff nor pet the sweaty stuff

14. finally fulfill many fantasies

15. have the best year of my life.