Don't understand what's going on
Woke up this morning,
All the hurt was gone
This is a new beginning
I'm back in the land of the living

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


My friend and mentor always advised me to justify my existence whatever be the case...
Quality content.... That's the most likely answer to: "What makes a good blog?". Oh, OK.... Right... quality content... I can do that, can't I?

But what is this quality content? What do you expect yourself to write, what do your readers expect, and what do you expect from your readers?

Do these questions really matter?... I mean... why do I keep doing this?... what's my raison d'etre?... how do I justify my existence?... am I just the silent protest of a crushed petunia?... Is there anybody out there?... Does anybody care?... Is the message getting through or is it lost upon a brick wall?... Is it all nonsense?... Can nonsense be good quality?

Say I write a blog on how I met a monkey downtown yesterday and that we had a great time in a nearby bar. He'd be talking about how badly he was treated down at the zoo and that he decided to just walk out and have a go at a life on his own. Eventually, the conversation would end in both of us fighting over politics, sex and religion.

Is this quality? If you're a good storyteller you would undoubtly make a good entry out of that. But I consider myself a poor storyteller with an avid imagination... Why, after a year and a half of blogging I could publish a novel with my fantasy world in it. But is this what readers are looking for?

I don't really know... and I don't know if it's worth caring anymore... I want to start smoking again and start drinking coffee... I want all my lunches from now on to be just coffee and cigarrettes... why?... well, why not?... what difference would that make anyway?


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