Don't understand what's going on
Woke up this morning,
All the hurt was gone
This is a new beginning
I'm back in the land of the living

Tuesday, May 27, 2003


One of my favorite websites for fun and profit is THE SPARK. I recently visited it again and took all the wonderful and funny tests all over again... here's how I did...

I'm 56% mutant... a mutant wannabe...
I'm a Submissive Introvert Abstract Feeler.. in other words, a dreamer...
I'm 37% sexy... hey... at least I'm a little bit sexy...
I'm 50% rock solid friend... according to the test, all true Virgos are...
I'm only 45% pure... guess what the other 55% of me is...
I will die on July 20, 2039 at age 71... supposing nobody kills me first
I'm not pregnant at the moment, but in my lifetime I will have... get this... 39 children... only 38 to go.. yay!
I'm 78% untelligent... that means that you should watch out... I'm pretty street smart
I'm 61% lovable... funny, I always thought I was 100% lovable...
I'm 57% datable... how come more people don't know this?
I'm 20% gay... Hey... the typical straight male is 39% gay...
I'm 66% pickable.... again... how come more people don't know this?
I'm 62% marryable... Gee... I'm more pickable than marryable... yay!
My inner child is a Little Filthy Old Pervert... or LFOP... I always thought I was a FUPP...
Right now... my stress level is at 42%... just the average
I'm 62% bastard... mmm... I need to get that score a bit higher
I'm 64% greedy... according to the test, I would need a $131 bribe to spread a jar of mayo in my underwear... NOT TRUE! I would do it for free depending on who's doing the spreading
I will be worth a MILLION dollars by the time I'm 51.... so what do I do until then?

Besides, I will only have 20 years to enjoy my million... go figure...


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