Don't understand what's going on
Woke up this morning,
All the hurt was gone
This is a new beginning
I'm back in the land of the living

Monday, April 14, 2003


Got a couple of comments already from the first posting… Miguel writes…

“Interesting but dangerous... The humanity is not ready for these truths because "when I was a child I thought and acted as a child..." and people are children in faith, they still need beliefs and stories to believe and understand. Can you figure a world out with no Mohammed, Buddha or Christ?”

Well, actually… considering the amount of wars waged in the name of Mohammed and Christ, I guess it would be a more peaceful world…

Back on track now… People have always needed someone to believe in. No matter who that person is… Mohammed, Buddha, Christ, Zoroaster, Krishna, John Smith, Sabu, Zeus, Jupiter, Rev. Moon or Elvis Presley… And I firmly believe that it helps people to keep their sanity… to keep hope… to keep calm in moments of distress… What a bummer would it be to find out that there is actually nothing out there… don’t you agree?

Now, I do agree that most people are not ready to know the truth… and the truth is way out there… believe me… Will we ever be ready?... “Heck, no!” – is the official answer of the Catholic church. “Prohibido pensar, que ya todo esta escrito”….

Still I think my dear friend here underestimates people… True… most people are “children” in thought (I think that thinking and having faith does not necessarily exclude each other) … but the chosen few are at least “teenagers” if not “adults”… this blog is for the chosen few… this is not a blog for the masses…

Luis writes…

“The really "beauty" of reading the Bible is the fact that there are many lessons that still apply to today's society. How many books that were written thousands of years ago can do that? Rather than accentuate the little mistakes, why not focus on all the good things the Bible has to offer? It seems that the only people that do this are priests - and that's because it's their job! Any book that can teach people how to live in harmony and grace is welcome, especially in this time of war.”

Again, I agree with him. I don’t think that trying to shed light on the historical Jesus by questioning Dogmas in any way undermines the value of his teachings, spiritual or otherwise. Rather, I kind of think it reinforces them because Jesus becomes human… “I am human and I need to be loved… just like everybody else”…

A person… a guy who got angry, a guy who got hungry, a guy who got drunk, a guy who got tired, a guy who wanted to run away, a guy who got horny, a guy who had to take a shit (holy shit?)… An ordinary guy in an extraordinary position… a guy so common that Judas had to resort to the messy kissy thingy to set him apart from the crowd… Thinking that Jesus was the Son Of Man and therefore, we he was perfect… that is the easy thing to do… Thinking that Jesus had the balls to defy authority, to harbor terrorists and beating the Romans at the own game by (maybe) faking his own death… that, my friends, is the road less taken Frost talked about.

However, I have to agree with Luis… there are lots and lots of good things in the Bible and in the Gospels themselves… Nobody is questioning that… but to accentuate them?... well, that’s a job for the light side and not the dark side.


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